ME Co-op Experience


ME Co-op Experience

Experience Information

Employer: ITW Drawform
Job Title: Engineer Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

ITW Drawform is a metal stamping company that handles complex and difficult stamping projects that most other companies won't do. Drawform is a small to average size company with a smaller engineering presence made mostly of design engineers with some manufacturing and controls engineers as well. However, Drawform is just one building that is a part of ITW as a whole which has many other locations across the country and internationally.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

The tasks I completed ranged from design all the way to quality work. Bigger projects started out as design work, then milling the parts out myself or by the tool room, then assembly, troubleshoot, and install. Other tasks include being a member of a rust management team, designing parts for other machines, and helping troubleshoot other engineers machines.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I've learned a lot more SolidWorks skills as well as learning how to operate a bench mill and many other hands-on skills. I also have learned many skills outside of the strictly mechanical approach to engineering including quality, manufacturing, and controls. This co-op also gave me a better idea of how a company operates and how to behave in a professional setting.

Favorite Part of the Experience

After completing a design project I was able to build the necessary parts needed myself and then put them all together and test it out. This was very nice to go beyond the design process and actually have the chance to get my hands dirty.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This co-op has only strengthened my desire to be an engineer. It has made me appreciate the path I chose to go down but also sparked some interest in other branches of engineering.

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