Dematic Summer Co-Op I


Dematic Summer Co-Op I

Experience Information

Employer: Dematic
Job Title: Mechanical Engineer Co-Op
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Dematic is a material handling and logistics company. They provide top companies with distribution solutions. They have a major part in almost every warehouse that needs a way to get their product from shipping to receiving and everywhere in between.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

While at Dematic, I was assigned to a project that was in its final stages. It was a huge sort center and one of the first of its kind. The team didn't have a lot of information to reference back to in order to see how a site like this was done in the past. I was able to edit drawings where needed, order parts to get shipped to site, print blue prints of all sections of our conveyor and go to the site to help installation and start-up run smoothly.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I gained many skills and knowledge that are specific to Dematic, such as, ordering process, creating drawings, finding reference drawings, ordering from customers, manufacturing, etc. Teamwork is a huge part of how Dematic runs, so working with a variety of different people was another area I grew in.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of my co-op was going on-site for start-up. One of the reasons I want to be an engineer is the hands-on, "get your hands dirty' side of it. So being able to go to site to see all of the layouts I have been working on all summer come to life was a very awesome experience. Also, it was a time to engineer on the spot. If something went wrong, a decision had to be made right then, so it was great to see what to expect when I go on-site on my own.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

With the high hopes of working for Dematic after graduation, I would say the experience benefited my future career in every way possible. Every day I spend at Dematic as a student worker gives me that much more experience with the company and a leg up on all my competition for a full time position after graduation. I am able to get through the kinks as a student worker so I can hit the ground running as a full time employee.

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