Co-op #2


Co-op #2

Experience Information

Employer: N.N. Inc - Autocam Precision Components Group
Job Title: Manufacturing & Quality Engineering Intern/Co-op
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

NN Inc. is a worldwide manufacturer of precision metal components. From the NN Inc. website: "The Autocam Precision Components Group is a global leader in the manufacturing of high precision metal components... The group now consists of 16 facilities across four continents and specializes in components with single-digit micron tolerances."

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

This Past Semester I completed the tooling of a screw machine for a new job launch, I executed several design projects (tool holders, wash fixtures, and custom automation components), and improved an automated sorting system which I designed and implemented during my first co-op experience. I was also given the opportunity to represent the company during a customer visit and an out of state supplier visit.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

This co-op experience was very fun and educational. Above all I gained technical knowledge, but I am thankful for the professional and social maturity I gained as well. I gained a large amount of knowledge about general machining, the behavior of materials being machined, and efficient high volume process design.

Favorite Part of the Experience

The feeling of making valuable contributions to a team who was willing to mentor, teach, and correct me as well as appreciate my efforts.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

My co-op experience at NN Inc. has further confirmed that my decision to go into mechanical engineering was a good one. I also learned that I want to go into a manufacturing engineering role after graduation, as it has been a good fit for me during my co-op.

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