Flexco - 1st Rotation


Flexco - 1st Rotation

Experience Information

Employer: Flexco
Job Title: Engineering Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Flexco is a leading manufacturer of conveyor belt fasteners and other belt cleaning products. These other products include belt cleaning blades, impact beds, and belt trainers. Flexco products are used almost anywhere you can find a conveyor belt.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

My main project this summer dealt with creating quality control documents that will be used throughout the company to decrease the possibility of non-conforming parts making their way to the customer. I also worked on creating and implementing a capability study on Flexco's plasma cutter. Both of these projects involved working in cross-functional teams with almost every department within Flexco. Additionally I helped resolve day to day quality issues as they arose and created work instruction documents that are used to train employees to do processes they had not previously done.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Through analyzing several capability studies and with the help of my mentor, I learned a great deal about statistics beyond what was taught in STA 220. I also became familiar with Minitab software which is a statistical analysis software. I also learned project management skills by developing the plasma cutter capability study and arranging meetings with different departments.

Favorite Part of the Experience

I enjoyed being surrounded by great people that were willing to help on any issues that may have arisen. While I prefer to figure things out by myself, it was very comforting knowing that if I found myself stuck at any point that I was surrounded by experienced, knowledgeable people that did not hesitate to help. I believe working in this type of environment was ideal for maximizing my productivity and learning.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has motivated me to continue to push myself in school to learn valuable information now that I have seen how directly some of it can be applied in the workplace as an engineer. It has also strengthened my desire to gain as much experience as possible because at some point I would like to move into a managerial position and I have seen how important it is to have a vast array of knowledge to be successful in that type of role.

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