Process Engineering Internship


Process Engineering Internship

Experience Information

Employer: Gentex Corporation
Job Title: Process Engineering Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Gentex is a company in Zeeland, MI that produces auto-dimming mirrors for automobile companies all around the world. They are the largest auto-dimming mirror production company that there is, holding about 80 percent of this market. They also produce dimming windows for airplanes as well as making fire protection equipment.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I did a lot different design projects over the summer. I designed several nests that are used to hold parts while they are tested for different things such as how much torque it takes to move the mirror as well as testing the leak rate to ensure the parts are sealed. I also designed an adapter which will be used to leak test some of the parts in a more convenient way than they currently are tested and in a way that is the same as the rest of the parts that we make. I also designed a vacuum system that takes the backing that is peeled off of a glass element and sucks it away into a trash can. The backing is very statically charged after it is peeled off so it was causing a mess and sticking to everything so this will solve that problem I also designed an enclosure to go around a machine to make it safe for someone to operate. This was a very good experience because it was very open-ended and allowed me to be creative with the design. There are many other things that I designed and built over the summer that were a great experience and I learned a lot from them.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned a lot more about using SolidWorks effectively and working through the whole design process. I also learned a lot about all of the different processes that the company does by touring all of the different buildings of the company. I also learned a lot about good business practices as well as lean manufacturing and how that benefits an organization. Overall I learned a lot about the company and all of its processes as well as a lot about how to be a better designer.

Favorite Part of the Experience

I really enjoyed being given a problem with something that currently exists and then having to change that thing in order to fix the problem. I really enjoy the problem solving aspect that comes with designing different parts and machines and it is very satisfying to see things that you designed being used out on the production floor.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience made me realize more the type of company that I would like to work for in the future. The whole work environment that I experienced there was amazing and I really enjoyed that. Everyone there was very knowledgeable and willing to help with any questions you might have for them which I really appreciated. I also learned more that I really enjoy the design aspect of the job as well as assembling those parts that you designed when they come in. Overall it was a great experience that has really helped me to see what I would like my future career to be.

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