Co-op 3 at Autocam


Co-op 3 at Autocam

Experience Information

Employer: Autocam Precision Components Group
Job Title: Manufacturing Quality Co-op Engineer
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Autocam Precision Components Group's mission is to be the worldwide leader in the manufacturing of precision components. This mission is met by focusing on continually improving processes, and therefore improving products and services to meet and exceed customer expectations with a goal of having zero impact on the environment. Autocam specializes in single-digit micron tolerances. Autocam was recently acquired by NN, Inc. Autocam consists of 16 facilities across four continents, and NN, Inc. has 42 facilities worldwide.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I was responsible for communicating with suppliers to order process flow equipment, cutting tools, and a vision system. I gained more familiarity with Autocam's job database and production tracking system. I assisted with the data collection for the PPAP for several prototype parts. I collected data to prove out new wash processes. I provided support for inspectors and generated guidelines for part rejection. I worked with a vision system programmer to correlate a 2D surface profilometer with a quicker 3D interferometer. I led several projects to reduce defect quantities. Though a few projects I learned more about face and outer diameter grinding. One of my projects related to heat treatment and centerless grinding, where I learned technical details about surface finish and roundness. I have also been involved with implementing a vision system for dimensional inspection to improve quality control.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I became more familiar with many of the day-to-day tasks of engineers at Autocam, such as PPAP, quality standards, databases, continuous improvement, quality control, and troubleshooting manufacturing problems.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this co-op was the variety of work assignments. When it comes to tasks at work, I prefer a balance between design work, problem-solving, and resolving problems through corrective actions. At Autocam, this balance was met. I had a large variety of work assignments during my co-op.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

My experience at Autocam has further confirmed my interest in design and manufacturing within the automotive industry. I believe that importance of work is validated when the result can be seen functioning in the real world. While many of Autocam's components are found buried deep inside of an engine compartment, their existence is critical for the engine's performance. The precision of Autocam components ensures that the vehicle occupant's safety is the top priority. It is rewarding to know that I am responsible for the functionality and safety of fuel pump systems that are installed in vehicles that are on the road today.

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