A Liftoff into Launch


A Liftoff into Launch

Experience Information

Employer: Koops, Inc
Job Title: Launch Engineering Co-op
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

My third and final mechanical engineering co-op rotation was spent with the launch team at Koops, Inc. Koops is an integrator specializing in custom machinery across a variety of industries. A company of about 200 employees, Koops has three locations in Holland MI, Greenville SC, and Irapuato Mexico. The launch team is responsible for the testing, proving and deployment of new machines to customers' facilities.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

My primary project this semester was to assist with the deployment of a custom machine to build sub assemblies for automotive components. The machine consisted of five robots, six component feeding systems, vision systems, and a variety of assembly and testing apparatus'. My duties included: * Teaching and tuning sensors. * Verification of machine functions during the machine cycle. * Fine tuning cylinder positions, robot pick and place positions, and actuator responses. * Offering feedback to the design and assembly teams for engineering changes and overall project direction and development. * Assembly and modification of machine subsystems. * Customer interaction to explain machine functions/modifications. * Coordination with mechanical engineers and machine shop to get pieces installed in the most achievable time frame. * Preparing machine for shipment to the customer. * Verify HMI interactions with operators. * Wiring modifications and replacing of minor electrical equipment. * Assure machine was compliant to safety audits and practices. * Preparation of shipment documentation. * Fine tuned feeder systems for small parts entering the machine cell. Other projects that I worked on throughout the semester included: * A series of ten individual workstations for the assembly of an all electric car console. * A series of nine individual workstations for the assembly of automotive interior components. * Shipment prep on a variety of different machine bases.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

The biggest skill that I gained from this co-op experience was an increase in my comfort around large and complicated machines. Not having come from a manufacturing background I found working on larger machines to be daunting. This experience helped me gain a greater confidence in working around such machines. The second greatest skill that I practiced this semester was growing in my ability to express myself in the workplace. I am often quiet in front of superiors, this semester I gained the confidence necessary to start breaking down that hesitation and learn to express my ideas before a crowd far more knowledgeable than I. The third skill that I gained in greater proportion was my ability to build these machines, read the electrical prints, understand the CAD drawings and grow in my knowledge of how the machine logic processes.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this experience was working on my primary project. Working around the robots, learning the processes, fine tuning the little things that make the machine run faster and smoother were all enjoyable challenges. Of the three semesters I spent at Koops this has been my favorite and my most engaging. I learned a lot this semester and am looking forward to learning more in the future.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I have found that I have a good head for manufacturing processes and enjoy the challenge of working on the factory floor. This semester has also solidified in my mind that I enjoy working on preexisting machines more than I enjoy designing them myself. I hope to work in the future in a role where I can work with my hands, maximize the efficiency of the projects that I work with, and can find creative solutions to the problems at hand. I find that my thinking becomes more creative when I have limitations imposed on the problem at hand. My time with the launch team has helped me to see how I can take all these skills and desires and turn them into a viable career.

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