My Co-op Experience


My Co-op Experience

Experience Information

Employer: Gill Electronics
Job Title: Electronics Engineer
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Gill Electronics is an up-and-coming company and the leader of wireless power using Rezence. This technology uses the properties of resonance to create/absorb magnetic fields to create AC Power, then uses active rectification and DC/DC conversion to charge phones, tablets, computers, watches, etc.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

As the company is a small organization, I had actual responsibilities throughout my co-op semester. My main project was to create a "dummy" phone that will be used to show of the technologies and the cool features which it can accomplish. This device incorporates a battery charging circuit, a touchscreen LCD w/ drivers, and many other small circuits. I was also on the R&D team for the new receiver boards and was the engineer who did most of the testing on our products.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

First of all, my C & Python coding skills increased throughout the semester. Secondly, I was able to use the knowledge I gained in EGR 314 to understand the technology on a deeper level and determine why the circuits are set up the way they are. I also learned quite a bit in the RF field. My skills soldering increased from my last semester as well.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this experience was going to California for Plugfest 8. Here I was a lead test engineer for one of our products, and got to work with Intel, Samsung, and NXP to determine the interoperability of our devices.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience reinforced my career goals by cementing the fact that I would like to be an Electrical Engineer.

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