Magna Co-op


Magna Co-op

Experience Information

Employer: Magna
Job Title: Inside Mirrors Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Magna is an international company with locations in numerous countries. They are one of the leading global automotive suppliers with over 150,000 employees all over the world. I had the opportunity to work at one of the Magna Mirrors divisions in Michigan which focuses on inside and outside mirrors.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

At the location here at Kraft we do a lot of testing to meet environmental, mechanical, and safety requirements desired by the customers. I would perform many of these tests for the engineers and the projects they have with the customers to directly determine data of the mirrors' characteristics, and whether or not design changes need to happen. I would also do plenty of design work, from designing custom fixtures or adapters for the part I would need to test them, to gathering any other data when viewing designs in CAD.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I gained the ability to communicate well with others when coordinating with different departments on a project I was working on to meet the deadline accordingly. I have gained a better perspective on how a company in the realm of engineering operates on a day to day basis and how much hands-on and design work is required to function efficiently.

Favorite Part of the Experience

I really enjoyed all the people here and how kind and helpful each individual was. Someone could always point me in the direction when I needed it and simply that environment was key to my enjoyment here at Magna. Otherwise I liked how hard they put us to work even on our first day, they gave us ample responsibility and trust in what they wanted us to work on for them which made feel honored and almost like a real engineer.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

It has further motivated me to work hard in this field and gain experience to hopefully land a secure job in a company like Magna or similar companies that work with automobiles. I will now continue to expand my social networks to build people around that will not only be good business partners but close friends.

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