


Experience Information

Employer: Frankenmuth Insurance
Job Title: Workers Compensation Claims Student Associate
Major: Health Communication
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Frankenmuth Insurance is a company that strives to provide the best insurance services to policyholders. It is a professional environment that has been beneficial for my future career goals. It is a place that made me feel comfortable working in along with the people around me.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

While at Frankenmuth Insurance, I assigned claims to the appropriate adjusters. I was also able to handle my own minor medical only claims. While doing this, I called the claimant, insured and health provider. I made all the decisions based on these claims, with help from co-workers occasionally. I also helped other adjusters pay medical bills, attorney fees, mileage and transportation costs, if needed. I also worked on various projects for my supervisor and other co-workers. Other various clerical projects were my responsibility while I worked at Frankenmuth Insurance.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Many skills were gained from my internship experience. I was able to gain more social skills because of the numerous calls I had to make each day along with each co-worker I worked with, either indirectly or directly. I also was able to learn a large amount of the insurance business and how it works. Directly related with my major, I was able to use my skills learned in the classroom about intercultural competency and health literacy while talking to the claimant, insured and health providers.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of the experience was opening my eyes to another entirely new job opportunity or route I could take. I was able to see first handed how certain skills I had learned about in the class were used in the real world, such as intercultural competency. Being able to focus on my own claims also built my confidence. I was able to start working on my own projects and feeling a sense of independence by doing so.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

It influenced my future career goals by confirming that I enjoyed working in the health field. I never realized that insurance could relate to the health field so directly before, but by working in the workers compensation claims department I was able to see that it does. I realized that there are many opportunities and different paths that can be taken by getting a Bachelor's Degree in Health Communication.

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