First Co-op Rotation with Innotec


First Co-op Rotation with Innotec

Experience Information

Employer: Innotec
Job Title: Co-op student
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Innotec is an LED light manufacturing company with presence in Michigan, Mexico, Hungary, and China. Their products can be found in a multitude of different industries, including the automotive, agricultural, construction, and retail industries.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

The majority of my projects were geared toward machine improvement. This involved designing and assembling/installing components that solved an existing problem, or improved upon an original design. Some noteworthy projects include redesigning a part crowder assembly and designing an attachment that trims off excess material from parts. In addition, I was also involved in a group intern project that helped to organize the material flow and layout of a new line.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned many useful industrial skills, which include MIG welding, forklift operation, and general craftsmanship. My knowledge in CAD software was also bolstered due to the design aspect of my projects.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this co-op experience is the amount of hands-on work that was involved. I carried my projects through the design phase, and was able to assemble and install them as well. I was also the one responsible to verify that they worked as intended. This made it more gratifying when something worked well, and made for a more valuable learning experience when things didn't go as planned.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This co-op rotation has given me valuable insight into the type of engineering work I'd like to pursue in the future. I've found that I enjoy design work, as it challenges my problem-solving skills and allows for freedom of innovation.

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