Working IT for JCI


Working IT for JCI

Experience Information

Employer: Johnson Controls Inc.
Job Title: Interiors Business Unit IT Intern
Major: Computer Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Johnson Controls Inc. offers products and services at a global scale in the areas of energy optimization, operational efficiency for buildings and automotive batteries, and interiors and electronic systems for automotive vehicles.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I was assigned three projects during this co-op experience. The first project entailed migrating our production scheduling system from a front-end/back-end Access database application to a front-end Access and back-end SQL Server database. The second project entailed follow-up meetings with all our interiors plants in North America where an IT Infrastructure Analysis was performed during my previous co-op at JCI. The last project involved documenting WEBHMI screens used at our interiors and seating plants, which report data from our PLCs; things such as throughput, customer broadcast information, downtime related events, etc.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Prior to working with JCI, I had no experience working with database management systems. I now feel more comfortable working with SQL Server. I also feel that I have a much better knowledge of the production process for injection molding and a more better understanding for the IT infrastructure requirements needed at a plant site. In addition, I feel that I begin to get a better grasp of the business process and importance of continuous improvement.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this co-op was getting to work with different departments and different teams. I thoroughly enjoyed working with new people on a different aspect of the business. Another favorite part of this co-op was the people that I worked with and how helpful they all were. It made it very easy to find the resources that I needed when I needed them. Being able to use the company plane to travel to Plymouth whenever I needed to was also definitely a perk.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

Before working for JCI in IT, I had not considered the idea of working in IT; especially because I am seeking a degree in Computer Engineering and I thought that I would be geared towards working with embedded systems and electronics. However, this experience has given me a lot to think about, and although I will continue to pursue my career goals in Computer Engineering, considering a career in IT might just be the right path for me.

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