Co-op Rotation 3


Co-op Rotation 3

Experience Information

Employer: Progressive Surface
Job Title: Floor Engineer
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Progressive Surface is a global leader in the design and manufacture of automated machinery and closed-loop process controls for shot peening, abrasive grit blasting, thermal spray coating, and ultra high pressure waterjet stripping applications in the aerospace, energy, medical, military, and general manufacturing industries.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I worked as a floor engineer for all 3 rotations. While assemblers would run into issues assembling facilities on the floor, I would meet with them to discuss and observe the issue firsthand. I would then consult with an appropriate project engineer regarding a potential solution and move forward from there. My job was to repeat this process for any assembly issues throughout the workday.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

3D Modeling/CAD, assembly consultation, assembly skills, manufacturing consultation, manufacturing skills, design problem solving, business to client consultation.

Favorite Part of the Experience

Once in a while we would run into a specific issue that would require iterative testing. This would allow me to exercise what I have learned with iterative design through recording problems, research, design/prototyping, and testing. Often I would have to repeat this process a number of times to arrived at a effective design.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This has reinstated just how much I want to go into the design part of mechanical engineering. Working to construct unique solutions through an iterative design process is what I am most passionate about in engineering. This co-op experience at Progressive Surface has allowed me to exercise these skills.

Internship Format

In Person

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