(Injection) Molding My Future


(Injection) Molding My Future

Experience Information

Employer: Swoboda Technologies
Job Title: Production Engineering Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Swoboda is a tier-two supplier for metal-plastic composites and both an OEM and tier-one supplier for switches, sensors, and mechatronics. Swoboda has approximately 100 employees at their Kentwood facility and approximately 3,800 globally. There are Swoboda plants in Germany, Romania, Czech Republic, China, Mexico, and the United States. At their Kentwood plant, their primary focus is on plastic injection molding and coil winding.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I was directly involved in the testing and developing of a new part for production. This included testing prototypes- both dimensionally and for performance, performing durability tests, assembling parts, and working with my supervisors to recommend changes. My primary duty was carrying out all testing of parts, writing reports on my findings, and then working with my supervisor to identify design and process changes that were necessary. I also was involved in the production of most sample parts produced during my time there. I worked on multiple different molding machines for different components of the part, did coil winding, welding, and final assembly of components. I also completed several projects related to documenting both critical dimensions of new components in our database and creating instructions for quality inspections, testing, and production.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned a significant amount about the plastic injection molding process, as well as the winding process. I also gained significant experience on several testing machines, including a tension/compression tester (shown in the photograph) and a salt spray corrosion chamber. I have also gained familiarity with an x-ray plating thickness analyzer, molding machines, coil winders, air leak testers, and welders. I have developed my skills in technical reporting and data analysis.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this co-op was not only being able to be hands-on, but to be engaged in so many different parts of the product development process. I was able to gain experience in nearly every single aspect of the project- from design to making the parts to testing them.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I was concerned that by going into mechanical engineering, I would be limiting myself in terms of my ability to engage with a wide range of work. However, in my experience with just this one position, I have found that I am able to engage with a wide variety of opportunities. While this co-op has not defined what I do or do not want to do for my career, it has offered the peace of mind that I will be able to find something I enjoy in a wide variety of avenues.

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