Engineering Co-op 1


Engineering Co-op 1

Experience Information

Employer: viastore systems, inc.
Job Title: System Engineering Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

viastore systems, inc. is a German-based international provider of automated material handling solutions. Ranked the 16th largest worldwide material handling systems suppliers, viastore caters to the needs of a broad variety of industries. viastore provides the solutions to the needs of the customer, whether they need new systems, software, or modernization and retrofits.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I was a part of several projects during the semester that gave me a broad idea of how the entire process of pricing, design, and execution worked. Pricing was an important project because to earn the contract bid from a potential customer it was necessary to address all of their needs while keeping the project as inexpensive as possible. I had the opportunity to participate in phone meetings with customers where I observed how to address the needs of the customer while being realistic about how much we can do. I used AutoCAD to design layouts and the conveyor system, which were used in discussions with the customer about the direction of the project. For another project I calculated the point loads on conveyor supports to ensure that the correct support was being used.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

One of the most valuable skills I gained was through working with AutoCAD. As one of the industry standard programs, the experience working with it is priceless. I also developed my professional relationships and communication with my coworkers, which is valuable because it not only gives me people I can turn to for help when I need it but also makes the work environment a comfortable and inviting place.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this co-op experience was to finally be able to apply what I have been learning in classes to the real world. It confirms that I really do enjoy this field and I look forward to continuing my career in the engineering community.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has not so much changed my future career goals, but confirmed that they are in the right direction for me. This co-op has reminded me why I chose the engineering pathway and influenced my drive to succeed in this field.

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