Internship in Athletics


Internship in Athletics

Experience Information

Employer: Frostburg State University
Job Title: Athletic Certification Intern
Major: Sport Management
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Situated in the mountains of Allegany County, Frostburg State University is one of the 12 institutions of the University System of Maryland. FSU is a residential regional university that serves as an educational and cultural center for Western Maryland. Frostburg State University is currently an NCAA Division III institution, and will soon be a member of the NCAA Division II and the Mountain East Conference. The Department of Athletics serves over 500 varsity athletes.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

As Frostburg State University transitions from NCAA Division III to NCAA Division II, I am heavily involved in the application process. Some areas of responsibility include: assembling necessary documents to comply with NCAA application standards and recording the transition process by documenting meeting minutes and timeline. I also provided support at all home football games as the Department implemented new ticketing procedures.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I developed my writing skills as I rewrote many of the Department's manuals and handbooks. I also learned to lead meetings and developed an understanding of NCAA compliance rules.

Favorite Part of the Experience

I liked any opportunities to work directly with coaches and athletes on new initiatives and ideas. I also enjoyed implementing new ideas for supporting the academic, athletic, and personal growth of student-athletes at Frostburg. I am also looking forward to traveling to the NCAA Convention this January with department leaders.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I can see that I am most interested in areas of student-athlete support and coaching, rather than a role in the operations and management of a Department of Athletics.

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