First Co-op


First Co-op

Experience Information

Employer: JR Automation
Job Title: Quoting
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

JR Automation is an innovative designer and manufacturer of automated machines serving industries in many fields.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

Calculate the tools, methods, timing to form the design concept. Researching and contacting other suppliers to gather costs of each part and process, to provide an estimate for the customer.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge during my first semester at JR Automation from aspects of conceptual designing to a great experience learning much of the world of engineering and cutting edge technology.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part would either be the working environment with all truly great people that put me at ease going into my first co-op, or being given the responsibility of completing accurate and well put-together quotes, and having the feeling of accomplishment sending exactly that out to our customers.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has only strengthen my desire to become an engineer and has made me very excited about my future in this profession.

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