Hutchinson Engineering Co-op


Hutchinson Engineering Co-op

Experience Information

Employer: Hutchinson Antivibration Systems
Job Title: Engineering Co-op
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Hutchinson Antivibration Systems (HAVS) is a company that designs and manufactures anti-vibration parts such as engine mounts, dampers and bushings. HAVS is a French owned company with operations worldwide. There are other divisions of Hutchinson that produce a variety of other products, but HAVS North America product focus is anti-vibration solutions for the automotive industry with plants in Grand Rapids and Cadillac, MI. The tech center is located in Grand Rapids

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

Tasks and projects given were extremely varied and well rounded for an entry level internship. Working through different departments such as the characterization and prototyping lab then being tasked to assist with manufacturing and pre-production approved cells to create parts was the majority of my co-op experience. There were intermittent projects given to perform jobs such as designing shielding for machines, modifying parts for tuning purposes, and preparing display pieces.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I have learned a great deal about rubbers and rubber manufacturing while working here. As a non-linear material it is very interesting to characterize and understand, there is quite a bit that goes into the process of manufacturing bushings and mounts. Fluid dynamics, mechanical dynamics/vibrations, basic chemistry, application of statistics, molding processes, manufacturing processes, and much more are introduced during the co-op. There are tons of resources available to study on the network drives in training folders, how much you learn is really dependent on how much effort you are willing to put into the job. There are also mechatronic projects that are highly interesting, being able to apply electrical knowledge in a mechanical engineering position makes for a very well rounded experience; a good blanket statement for the entire co-op experience at Hutchinson.

Favorite Part of the Experience

Tuning and modifying parts would be my personal favorite part of the internship as it gives an opportunity to understand how changing designs of a part can modify the mechanical properties of the part.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I've definitely gained an interest in manufacturing that I did not have before, it is also great to be surrounded by a variety of degreed engineers because it gives a better idea of what sort of work and responsibilities I will have after schooling. The mechatronics projects in particular have piqued my interest, I'd be highly interested in pursuing a path with the design and manufacturing of parts that incorporate electrical and mechanical engineering. I have also had multiple people mention that test engineering is a great route for someone with my interests and background, I do intend to look more into this and what it would take to become a competitive candidate for the field.

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