PCEC Co-Op 1
Experience Information
Employer: Phase 1 Engineering
Job Title: Electrical Engineering Co-Op
Major: Computer Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No
Description of the Organization
Phase 1 Engineering is an engineering consulting firm that consists of a small team of talented individuals. They consult with various national companies and help them solve their engineering problems. Everyone has their unique breadth of knowledge that, when put together on a common task, any engineering problem at hand can be solved. It was structured so that everyone was just a chair-spin away from collaborating on a project which allowed me to learn from everything going on around me.
Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed
I was given the opportunity to work on many different projects in order to learn the various engineering concepts surrounding them. Some notable tasks include writing Python applications with a full GUI to operate test fixtures and a high voltage power supply. That involved writing my first Python script and eventually to writing UART communication drivers and a JLink programming interface. I also got to write programs to conduct signal analysis such as using the Fast Fourier Transform to diagnose a signal and determine its frequency and amplitude. Another notable project that I completed was writing the embedded C API for another test fixture which also included a library that generates a PWM signal that, when passed through external circuitry like a low-pass filter, generates a sine wave. One of the last major projects I completed was programming an SPI that controls a Long-Range Radio shield for a microcontroller in order to transmit and receive data wirelessly. Additional projects I worked on included SMD soldering large circuit boards, conducting NFC range testing, high-voltage testing, and many other great learning experiences.
Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience
Much of what I accomplished during my co-op was taught to for the first time there. Thus, I learned how to program in Python including using it to parse XML and JSON files, writing to those files and CSVs, using it to create GUIs, application development, and for serial communication. I also learned a lot about writing better embedded C code that favors the processor and saves memory while offering more speed. I learned a great deal about communication protocols as well such as UART, SPI, and various wireless protocols like Bluetooth Low Energy and LoRa. I also learned how to write programs to allow peripherals to communicate to one another with those protocols. Additionally, I learned about signal analysis, circuit design, and near field communication, and a lot about the professional engineering design process. Some non-technical skills I also learned much about professionalism and the accountability and responsibility that comes with being a practicing engineer.
Favorite Part of the Experience
My favorite part of this co-op experience was being given so many opportunities to work on real projects and seeing my contributions active in the final products. My other favorite part was having so many knowledgeable colleagues to teach me about their respective fields and strengths.
How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals
This experience has affirmed that engineering is the field I am passionate about and belong in.
Internship Format
In Person