Ready for Launch


Ready for Launch

Experience Information

Employer: Dornerworks
Job Title: Embedded Engineer Intern
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Dornerworks is a pretty small company these days, its two small buildings with around 40 engineers total. Its a very friendly and helpful place to work with an amazing culture.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

This rotation I had the incredible opportunity to work on a microsatellite for a company called Spacecoin, this satellite will be launching in late December and is the first launch in the plans for a whole constellation.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

This rotation seriously grew my experience with working directly with customers, for around a month I was working one on one with a customer troubleshooting and writing scripts for the satellite as well as communicating with the satellite's manufacturers in eastern Europe to get the bird operational.

Favorite Part of the Experience

The opportunity to work on a satellite is a rare one, not many people can say that their work has gone to space. While it was certainly hectic, it was a blast.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This rotation has helped me focus in more on where I want to focus and grow my experience. I have found that i really love the work we do at Dornerworks, I want to get more capable in order to continue this line of work.

Internship Format

In Person

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