Co-op Rotation 3_ODL Inc.
Experience Information
Employer: ODL Inc.
Job Title: Electrical Engineering Co-op
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No
Description of the Organization
ODL Inc. is a door glass manufacturer that produces blinds between glass products and other decorative door glass. We are a multimillion dollar company that have three different teams of engineering: manufacturing, design, and quality.
Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed
The projects I completed this year was creating a information matrix for all of the electrical equipment we use in our three plants. I also calculated the power used from the mains all the way down to the outlets.
Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience
I learned the importance of documentation and the need for a standard naming scheme for electrical equipment. Also the need for detailed labeling to make sure everyone knows what something is connected to, for safety and maintenance.
Favorite Part of the Experience
I enjoy my coworkers the most. They are wonderful people to work with a lot of insight for engineering and personal life. I also enjoyed being able to understand more of the power grid and how those systems are made/documented.
How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals
I know know that high power equipment and manufacturing work is not necessarily for me, but I also realized that I enjoy the work environment that ODL provided.
Internship Format
In Person