

Experience Information

Employer: Consumers Energy
Job Title: Low Voltage Distribution Engineering Co-op
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Consumers Energy is Michigan's largest utilities company, providing service to over 6.7 million residents.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

The company is broken into many departments that work together to provide hometown service to all of its customers. I work for the Low Voltage Distribution Engineering section and am assigned the same type of work as the full time employees. I am assigned new business jobs (adding service to houses that are being built or to locations at which no current service exists) and system improvement jobs (upgrading and replacing existing lines). For each job, field work is conducted and designs are completed before the work is sent to a different department for scheduling.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

During my rotation I was assigned a mentor that was a senior designer in my facility. From working on my jobs, and asking my mentor and other employees for guidance I have learned how the components that are worked with regularly here, such as transformers, isolators, regulators, ect work and why they are important.

Favorite Part of the Experience

Throughout my second rotation I was able to be a driver during storm. Meaning that when storms hit and customers lost service I was able to drive a Senior Designer around as we searched the existing lines, finding where the storm had caused damages. Once damages were found and reported we sometimes were able to watch the crew come and fix the issue. Providing power to the effected customers.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

My experience this semester has given me a further look into what utility companies offer in terms of everyday work. Additionally, it has introduced me to the EEP program. A two year rotational program that new graduates can apply for.

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