Manufacturing Engineer Intern


Manufacturing Engineer Intern

Experience Information

Employer: Plascore Inc.
Job Title: Continuous Improvement Team
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Plascore is a medium sized factory. They specialize in honeycomb core solutions. They have business contracts with a wide variety of companies in the fields of aerospace, Navy, subway trains, and pharmaceutical suppliers.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I have made multiple logs which help to monitor shop floor equipment. I created a powder coat recipe book to inform new operators of the proper settings to utilize depending on the parts painted. I have designed and quoted out multiple material transfer carts. I have designed and fabricated new CNC tapping tables. As well as the design, project organization, and fabrication of new window assembly tables.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Engineering skills of all sorts. CAD skills were practiced. Design and fabrication skills were utilized. Some welding and milling as well.

Favorite Part of the Experience

Plascore as a whole was absolutely wonderful. The people are what really make Plascore the wonderful place it is. I was assigned tasks to be completed along with budgets, and given as much guidance as needed for such projects. It was as if I was my own own boss with goals and tasks to complete to improve safety, quality, and production speed through the company.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

It has opened the door for me as a new upcoming engineer and has enabled me to get the much needed experience employers look for.

Internship Format

In Person

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