Integrating Avionics


Integrating Avionics

Experience Information

Employer: GE Aviation
Job Title: Integration Engineer
Major: Computer Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

GE Aviation provides avionics systems for commercial and military airplanes. An example of products GE Aviation supplies includes the Flight Recording System, Flight Management System and Onboard Maintenance System.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I supported the systems engineers in the development of test procedures and creation of test reports. I also created and maintained work instructions for the Foreign National Integration Lab. In addition to these tasks I developed scripts for automating processes for lab initialization and testing. I assisted in the debug of new lab equipment and the integration of that lab equipment. I supported systems engineers in document deliveries to customers as well as coordinated with product level engineers to debug their systems.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned how to work in a volatile environment with many unknowns. I wrote my first python scripts and gained experience in an integration testing setting. I learned about how the Onboard Maintenance System should function. I also learned how to write test procedures and how to trace verification tests to requirements. I gained confidence in the workplace and further developed the ability to communicate in a professional environment. I improved my debugging skills and my ability to think analytically.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this co-op experience was the opportunity to grow with the same team that I worked with during my first co-op rotation. Although I was able to work with the same people, I was able to see a different aspect of the project (Interface Control Document vs. Integration Testing) and see the project in a slightly different phase. I also really enjoyed the opportunity to actually see the systems at work and be able to spend time with them hands on.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has pushed me toward a future at GE. My goal has shifted toward a higher level of education and leadership at GE Aviation.

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