Austin Sports & Social Club


Austin Sports & Social Club

Experience Information

Employer: Austin Sports and Social Club
Job Title: Administrative Intern
Major: Sport Management
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: No
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

The Austin Sports & Social Club is the largest co-ed adult sports league in Austin, TX. ASSC manages over 25,000 players with their 12+ leagues. As a social club, ASSC focuses on the social atmosphere and forging relationships, rather than an ultra competitive environment.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

The Austin Sports and Social Club internship was extremely well-rounded, allowing me to truly learn how a sports organization comes together. It also provided the opportunity to specialize in areas of interest, working with those related departments. I focused my time in three main departments: player services, logistics, and marketing. Below are highlights from each department; it is in no means all-inclusive. Player services: Managed the info account for 25,000+ players Managed and sorted data to construct teams Managed the roster compliance database Compiled registration reports Constructed conflict management exam for officials/coordinators Recorded and responded to league survey responses Logistics: Created and posted schedules for multiple leagues Created playoff brackets for multiple leagues Created and managed tournament brackets and standings Compiled venue reference files Marketing: Managed social media accounts with 20,000+ followers Prepared monthly marketing reports utilizing analytics Designed venue placement database for back linking options Established Google My Business accounts On the field: Built knowledge base to successfully officiate flag football Coordinated multiple tournaments Managed championship brackets and standings Enhanced conflict management and public speaking abilities

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned and enhanced numerous skills throughout this internship. Most prominently, I believe I enhanced my interpersonal skills, including communication and public speaking. I was given the opportunity to meet countless people, coordinate players, work with multiple departments, respond to players at the field, etc., all of which helped further develop my communication skills. I was also able to get a much more comprehensive look at how a sports organization is run and how the departments come together to provide a successful product to the community. I enhanced my data management skills, as I was constantly given the opportunity to manage multiple data files. I was also able to work on my written communication, writing up reports for the marketing team, etc. Overall, I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with individuals whose goals were to teach me and prepare me for my future in the industry.

Favorite Part of the Experience

The ability to work in the office as well as at the fields. I was able to see the entire process of getting a league started, everything in the background, and then go see the final product at the fields. Aside from how much I was able to learn and grow as a person, this internship was incredibly fun. The staff of Austin Sports and Social Club are incredibly kind, generous, and fun to be around. Not knowing a single soul moving to Texas, ASSC made me feel right at home!

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

Working with Austin Sports and Social Club has affirmed that I would like to work with a somewhat smaller sports organization. I loved being able to connect with the mission of a community based organization and connect directly with the community members that were a part of the leagues.

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