Header and Hanger


Header and Hanger

Experience Information

Employer: viastore Systems
Job Title: Systems Engineering Co-op
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

viastore Systems is an international company based in Germany with an office in southeast Grand Rapids. They are known for their automated storage and retrieval systems and their warehouse management software. The company provides material handling and software solutions to its customers. The Grand Rapids office is a decently sized branch with around 60 employees.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

This semester I was assigned with a senior engineer on a specific project. He put me in charge of designing a header and hanger system. This system supports conveyor by suspending them from the ceiling. This allows for additional conveyor to run underneath. The goal was to design components that will safely hold the conveyor with the maximum conveyed load. Part drawings were made and sent to fabricators to make the necessary components. Installation drawings were made with labels for the correct parts and dimensions to tell mechanical installers where to put the components in the building. Finally, assembly drawings were made to show the installers how to put the components together.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned a lot this semester but the biggest thing is that planning and preparation is extremely important. Proper preparation and planning can greatly help the design and implementation of the design. It also makes the process faster. With an overview of the system, I was able to plan where things would be placed and that helped me hone in the little details of my design. Finally, I learned that every detail is important in a design. One overlooked detail can be very detrimental.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this experience was the sense of responsibility that I had. I was given pretty much free reign over my specific part of the project. Of course I had supervision and advice from my senior engineer but the design was mine and had my name on the drawings.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience mainly has me excited to become a full-time engineer in the work force. Since I was able to operate almost as a full-time employee, I was able to enjoy the everyday work life that would be associated with working at this company.

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