Engineering in Deutschland


Engineering in Deutschland

Experience Information

Employer: Vibracoustic GmbH Co. & KG
Job Title: Cooperative Engineer
Major: Interdisciplinary Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: Yes

Description of the Organization

Vibracoustic is a global leading the practice of automotive vibration control technology. The products (dampers), are mostly made of rubber and metal in varying combinations. Vibracoustic has over 10,000 employees at 43 sites in 19 different countries. My experience was at the site Neuenburg am Rhein Germany near Basel Switzerland and the French border. The site employed approximately 500 people occupying positions in tool making, IT, production, finance, management, and engineering. There is also an ausbildung (education) center on site to train future employees with various technical skills necessary for the entire manufacturing process. The facility is thoroughly equipped with ergonomic working conditions and safety.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

My tasks and projects focused on supporting the product development team, specifically the prop shaft and dynamic damper engineering teams. I conducted benchmarking work on a new product that reduces noise and vibration and turns it into sound and comfort on new BMW vehicles. I also worked with the data in the form of hysteresis curves for tolerance development submitted to automotive companies. Daily tasks usually included doing applied math problems for decision-making big and small.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

The skills I have developed are unique with fellow students abroad in form of begin a United States citizen during an election year for arguably the best and most influential country in the world. I say it is the best but I was fortune to study in the beautiful Deutschland so, I have very close second pick for many good reasons. My skill I gained is simply being a better representative of myself, my university, and my country.

Favorite Part of the Experience

The favorite part of my cooperative engineering experience was learning what it is like to work like a German. Historically, German engineers have great respect from other countries so studying and working with them was experience. I enjoyed living the lifestyle of a German and the events they have to offer. The bread and beer is world class.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

My experience influenced my future career goals by helping me start thinking of things want in my life after I graduate. When you move to the other side of the world you have to leave something's behind not knowing how much time you spend with it. I now think more about what I want for future goals in life. I had goal to study abroad and I did it. Now, I get set then goals for after graduation.

Where was this experience completed abroad?

Neuenburg am Rhein Germany Loerrach Germany

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