Magna Mirrors Co-op Experience


Magna Mirrors Co-op Experience

Experience Information

Employer: Magna Mirrors
Job Title: Mechanical Engineering Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Magna Mirrors as a whole is a very large international company. The facility that I worked at was a mid-sized company. The facility consisted of many departments consisting of the model shop, design, product development, the lab, and advanced product development, which is where I worked.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

Over the co-op semester there was a variety of tasks that I was assigned. I was in charge of printing 3D parts off for the advanced product development department (APD) and sometimes this meant my own. I had to clean and de-wax the parts for APD and keep track of the material used. By the end of the co-op semester I was running a variety of tests for the engineers in my department when they needed. Some of the tests included: sound testing in the sound chamber, illuminance scans, vibration tests, working on new prototypes, using Creo to create prototypes, using the instron for load readings, etc. Another main task was benchmarking new mirrors that APD purchased. Benchmarking the mirror involved a series of tests that were documented and organized into a area in the warehouse in bins. It was my job to keep the area organized, clean, and up to date.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I gained a great deal of valuable experience during my first co-op semester. I was able to work a lot with my hands in the model job working with both large and small tools. I was able to work a lot with Creo, which help build my 3D design skills. When benchmarking sometimes I had to call customers such as Ford or Chrysler to order parts and then take the company car to pick them up. In doing so, I gained customer experience. I also learned the system of ordering parts for a large company. I given the chance to work with expensive machines such a the 3D printer or instron machine. Also, I was able to develop a good understanding of how to properly deal with other departments.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this co-op experience was having the resources around me to develop, create, and print off parts for real projects. I had a lot of experienced engineers sitting close to me in my department for questions. I had Creo on my desk computer with many other programs, and I could print parts off myself on the 3D printer.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

Working at Magna has solidified my decision in becoming a mechanical engineer. Engineering can have its ups and down as all careers do, but it is nice to be able to solve the problems as a team as I have experience in the APD department.

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