Mechanical Engineering Co-op Rotation #1


Mechanical Engineering Co-op Rotation #1

Experience Information

Employer: Perception Engineering
Job Title: Mechanical Engineer Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Perception Engineering is a small company as of 2021, composed of a team of five, started in late 2013. The team consists of humble and hungry engineers looking to be an extension of another companies team who can take on quality updates to your already running projects or can launch intense large automation projects which the team will use their SOLIDWORKS certifications and industry experience to come up with a well thought out design and solution.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

As a mechanical engineer intern in their first rotation I took on design lead in several projects rather quickly. I was tasked with designing and creating models in SOLIDWORKS for several brackets, wall art, and linkage systems. Conducting prototyping with 3D printed parts after the models and drawings were complete. Created bills of materials for several projects. Also wrote design reports and pulled together presentations on project progress to share with the customers.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

At Perception I worked towards getting SOLIDWORKS certified and learned how to time effectively model complex weldments, parts, and assemblies while also putting lots of thought into the design. Learned how sheet metal parts are made and fabricated so I know what can and cannot be done when modeling sheet metal parts. I learned how to balance several large projects and the importance of communicating progress with your customers. I learned how to be an ideal team player within a team of engineers.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this co-op rotation was having my design thinking challenged. Finding out how much goes into even the simplest of designs and the importance of minimizing the cost as much as possible while still delivering the best design. I also enjoyed gaining all the knowledge that I did so in the future I will have even more thought I can put into my designs. Lastly being at a small company you pick up a lot more on how to run your own company which I could use down the road.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has helped me build toward being a stronger engineer and realize how much I can push myself to achieve greater goals. I have also come to know more on what I would enjoy and want in my first mechanical engineer position coming out of college.

Internship Format

In Person

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