Pew FTLC - First Year Faculty Mentoring Community
The First Year Faculty Mentoring Community is a yearlong university-wide program designed to acculturate new faculty to GVSU and to provide robust teaching support and general information on scholarship, service, and career planning to all new faculty.
Through participation in this Mentoring Community, new faculty will:
Address first year faculty teaching challenges with evidence-based strategies
Gain familiarity with GVSU resources for faculty, students, and families
Learn from and with faculty from across disciplines and the university
Practice work-life balance approaches known to improve the experiences of new faculty and have lasting impact throughout a faculty career
Establish short-term and long-terms goals for scholarship, teaching, and service
Silver Level Criteria
To earn a silver badge, participate fully in a yearlong Mentoring Community.
As a participant, engage in the curriculum content and meet biweekly for seminar-style discussions with a small group of new faculty and an experienced faculty mentor. At the completion of the program, submit a reflection on what was learned by participating in the Mentoring Community.
As a mentor, participate in professional development training, facilitate seminar-style discussion of the curriculum content, connect participants with relevant resources, and help new faculty establish short-term and long-term goals and plans for achieving them. At the completion of the program, submit a reflection about the experience of serving as a mentor.
Gold Level Criteria
To earn a gold badge, complete the silver badge and then collaborate with one or more of your Mentoring Community colleagues on a project such as the development of a new course, invited campus presentation, conference presentation or publication. No deadline.
Issued 2017-Present