General Education

The responsibilities of the General Education Committee are:

a)    to provide guidance and support to the university community regarding the aims, philosophy, achievements and problems of the General Education Program;

b)    to review and act upon courses proposed for the General Education Program;

c)    to make minor revisions to the General Education Program (for example, changing the name of a category or adding, revising, or removing a student learning outcome in the category);

d)    to propose to UAS major changes to the General Education Program;

e)    to ensure that the General Education skill and knowledge outcomes of each General Education course are assessed every four years:

  1. to review and provide formative and/or summative feedback on General Education Course Assessment Reports;
  2. to report annually on student performance of the General Education knowledge and skills outcomes to faculty governance:
  3. to submit a comprehensive report on student performance of the General Education knowledge and skills outcomes, and share these results with faculty governance and the broader university community every four years:  
  4. to propose changes to the General Education Program or make changes to the assessment process informed by the assessment data.

f)      to remove a course from the General Education Program (see SG 2.01) if:

  1. changes have been made to course prerequisites that were not approved by the General Education Committee;
  2. the course was not appropriately and effectively assessed by the unit in a timely manner as described in the Recertification Policy posted on the General Education website.


The list of GEC representatives is updated annually. [Scroll through the listing to find the committee]

The GEC Minutes are posted on the GEC website [Scroll to the appropriate section]


Page last modified June 5, 2024