Standing Governance Committees

Shared Governance Restructuring (SHGR) Task Force


We apologize that the Standing Governance Committee pages below are not up-to-date. We are working through technology issues. [September 2024]



Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC)
    AFAC Faculty Governance Page 

Faculty Salary & Budget Committee (FSBC)
     FSBC Faculty Governance Page
     FSBC Website

Academic Policies & Standards Committee (ASPC)
    APSC Faculty Governance Page

Faculty Teaching & Learning Center Advisory Committee (FTLCAC)
    FTLCAC Faculty Governance Page

Equity & Inclusion Committee  (EIC)
     EIC Faculty Governance Page
     EIC Website

Graduate Council (GC)
     GC Faculty Governance Page
     GC Website

Faculty Facilities Planning Advisory Committee (FFPAC)
    FFPAC Faculty Governance Page

University Assessment Committee (UAC)
   UAC Faculty Governance Page

Faculty Personnel Policy Committee (FPPC)
    FPPC Faculty Governance Page


Page last modified September 19, 2024