Upcoming Deadlines

Augsburg CGEE Latin America: New Activisms, Human Rights and Social Justice Deadline

Augsburg CGEE Latin America: New Activisms, Human Rights and Social Justice Deadline

Date and Time

Friday, November 1, 2024


Augsburg CGEE programs are in unique locations, focused on community-based learning, social justice, and human rights and are open to all majors and minors! 


Engage with historically marginalized communities and stakeholders who have organized to respond to current challenges within Central America.

This program explores the struggles of people in Mesoamerica, a region that stretches from central Mexico to Costa Rica. While learning or polishing your Spanish, you will know more about the human rights crisis the region currently faces from the perspective of historically marginalized communities (such as: Indigenous and Afro-descendant people, peasant communities, women, members of LGTBQ+, and youth). You will explore the historical causes of social, ethnic, racial, and political conflicts that have shaped the region and engage with communities, groups and individuals who are organizing themselves to respond to the challenges they face today: From the use of history and memory in local struggles for reparation and justice; to reflections about how religion has informed feminist, Afro-descedant, queer, and environmental initiatives; to sharing time with people carving out new economic and social alternatives or forced to flee their homes due to political, environmental, or economic causes.  

This event has been tagged as fellowships.


For more information, please visit: https://studyabroad.augsburg.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=20762


Please email [email protected] for more information!

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Page last modified November 6, 2023