Upcoming Deadlines

Augsburg CGEE Africa: Decolonizing the Mind: Racial and Environmental Justice Deadline

Augsburg CGEE Africa: Decolonizing the Mind: Racial and Environmental Justice Deadline

Date and Time

Friday, November 1, 2024


Augsburg CGEE programs are in unique locations, focused on community-based learning, social justice, and human rights and are open to all majors and minors! 


Deconstruct environmental and racial injustices felt today by examining the legacies of apartheid and colonization.

Visit South Africa and Namibia, two countries with unique and multifaceted histories not often explored in depth in U.S. curricula. Each of these nations has struggled against the lasting impacts of colonialization, apartheid, the fight for liberation, and ethnic and racial tensions. This program examines how people can organize themselves towards positive social change and the triumph of the human spirit.

Learn About:

  • The challenges posed by underdevelopment, globalization, extreme inequality, and the legacies of apartheid
  • The impact of gender, race, culture, and identity on democratic processes, human rights issues, and social and economic advancement today

This event has been tagged as fellowships.


For more information, please visit: https://studyabroad.augsburg.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=20763


Please email [email protected] for more information!

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Page last modified November 6, 2023