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NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program and NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program

NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program

Date and Time

Sunday, December 1, 2024


The NIH Oxford-Cambridge (OxCam) Scholars Program (https://oxcam.gpp.nih.gov/) is an individualized doctoral program for students seeking to pursue a career in biomedical research. OxCam Scholars partner with Investigators at the NIH and the University of Oxford or Cambridge to perform a single, collaborative dissertation project. Since the program is based on the British University system, OxCam students are able to complete a doctoral degree in approximately four years. Each student divides their time evenly between the two laboratories, with approximately two years at the NIH and two years in the UK.

Students interested in pursuing a career as a physician-scientist may pair the NIH OxCam Scholars PhD Program with a U.S. medical program via the NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program (https://mdphd.gpp.nih.gov/). Since the NIH does not grant MD or PhD degrees, the program partners with U.S. medical schools during the student’s MD phase of training, and with universities in the UK for the PhD phase of training. Students who are applying to medical school as well as students who are enrolled in medical school are eligible to apply.

Applications for the NIH OxCam and/or NIH MD/PhD Program may be submitted online at www.training.nih.gov/programs/gpp.

The NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program and NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program are now accepting applications for fall admission! Both programs will host Informational webinars for prospective applicants this fall, during which program representatives will discuss the application process, admission timeline, as well as answer questions from attendees.

Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident as well as possess a Bachelor’s degree by the start of the program. There is no application fee, no minimum GPA, and GRE scores are not required. MCAT scores are mandatory for Track 1 MD/PhD Program applicants only. For additional information, please review the helpful resources provided below. Additional Resources Program Booklet: https://oxcam.gpp.nih.gov/sites/nih_site/files/2021-08/NIH-OxCam-Program-Booklet.pdf Advice for Applicants: https://oxcam.gpp.nih.gov/prospective-students/advice-new-applicants Pre-Arranged Projects: https://oxcam.gpp.nih.gov/prospective-students/research-opportunity Search NIH PIs by Scientific Focus Area: https://irp.nih.gov/our-research/principal-investigators/focus Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) https://oxcam.gpp.nih.gov/current-students/faq"



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Page last modified December 11, 2023