Upcoming Deadlines

TEACH Fellowship in Taiwan Deadline

TEACH Fellowship in Taiwan Deadline

Date and Time

Thursday, July 31, 2025


The Institute of International Education (IIE) and the Association of International Cultural and Educational Exchange Taiwan (AICEE, Taiwan) are looking for outstanding certified/licensed teachers (pre-service, in-service, retired) or those with master’s degrees in TESOL/TEFL without teaching licenses or certificates to teach English and/or multiple subjects in Taiwan.

The Teach English Abroad and Change Happens (TEACH) Fellowship  in Taiwan aims to create an English language and cultural environment to enhance English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills of elementary and secondary students in Taiwan; develop innovative English language curriculum and effective teaching methods through collaboration between American and Taiwanese educators; and promote cross-cultural exchange and mutual understanding while enhancing multicultural competency of teachers and local residents.

TEACH Fellows will receive a monthly stipend, flight reimbursement, health, medical, accident insurance, cross-cultural activities and other support from AICEE. The host will provide access to TEFL/TESOL online certification courses for those without a TEF/TESOL certificate.

The online application is available at www.iie.org/TEACHingFellowsTaiwan or contact IIE at [email protected] with any questions.

EARLY ACTION: Applications will be reviewed and placements acknowledged on a rolling basis, so applicants are encouraged to complete the process as early as possible to maximize chances for a placement. On completion, applicants will be accepted, rejected, or part of the pool reviewed at the deadline. All applications completed by the deadline will be reviewed. Falsifying or plagiarizing any portion of your application are grounds for automatic disqualification. Applications will be accepted until July, but for expedited consideration, we have established a priority deadline of April 15.  Applications received by that date will be given priority consideration for placements at Taiwan schools.

This event has been tagged as fellowships.


For more information, please visit: https://www.iie.org/programs/aicee-teach-in-taiwan/


Email [email protected] for more information!

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