Three Grand Valley students were among panelists for a session,
'Queer in College: A Panel of LGBTQIA+ College Students,' at the March
11 Youth Summit. At center is Joi Mays, Alonda Smith and Casey Classen
are at the right end of the table.
Photo Credit:
Amanda Pitts
Nearly 450 students attended the eighth annual LGBTQIA+ Youth Summit
at Grand Valley on March 11.
The Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health (MOASH)
partnered with several campus departments to host the event, which
included a virtual track for attendees.
Callie Youngman, special projects coordinator for the LGBT Resource
Center, served on the planning committee and said the majority of
participants belonged to their high school's gay-straight alliance
group. Youngman is also the athletics inclusion coordinator and
assistant volleyball coach.
Workshops throughout the day were led by experts in the field and
college students, including Grand Valley students who are actively
involved in the LGBT Resource Center, and Center for Women and Gender Equity.
Support for the summit came from the LGBT Resource Center,
Admissions, Division of Enrollment and Educational Outreach and
Division of Inclusion and Equity, among other campus departments.