Larry Wyn, Michigan Statewide Program Manager for and MiSTEM
computer science program manager
Photo Credit:
Kendra Stanley-Mills
A new round of K-12 institutions, school districts and educational
partnerships has received grants through a Grand Valley-related
program dedicated to water-focused education.
Gretchen Whitmer announced the grants totaling $205,028 for 16
recipients. A key partner for the effort is the From Students to
Stewards Initiative, which is a collaboration among the MiSTEM
Network; the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and
Energy; Michigan Department of Education; and the Office of Labor and
Economic Opportunity.
Staff members from the Regional Math and Science Center are part of
the From Students to Stewards collaboration, which seeks to integrate
Great Lakes and freshwater literacy into educational plans to prepare
students to address complex and evolving water issues.
The involvement by Grand Valley, which has been a MiSTEM Network
Region since 2017, has helped provide funds to educators to implement
learning that is problem-, place-, and project-based, said Larry Wyn,
who works through the Regional Math and Science Center with the MiSTEM
Network and is also the computer science program manager for MiSTEM.
"By providing funding support and professional learning, we hope
that educators can implement new and innovative approaches to
education," Wyn said. "There is a vast number of resources
within our communities to enhance student learning and allow them to
become stewards of their environment.
"As part of the grant program, each of our grantees will have
the opportunity to engage in a community of practice to learn from
other grantees and improve their practice."