An interactive map makes it easier for visitors to plan tours
and routes on the Health, Grand Rapids or Allendale campuses.
A new, interactive map with robust wayfinding capabilities will help
prospective students and visitors navigate campus.
From Concept
3D, the map is mobile-friendly. Map content is managed by Nick
Viau, marketing and branding content manager for University Marketing.
Campus collaborators include Parking Services, Student Accessibility
Resources, Admissions, Conferences and Event Services, and Athletics.
The map allows prospective students to explore campus from home and
then use the platform as a wayfinding tool to help find parking, take
a self-guided tour or find a location to grab coffee or snacks.
The map is also a useful tool for event promotion for both internal
and external GVSU audiences. The smart-sharing functionality allows
users to zoom in on campus areas, highlight the information they want
to share and preserve the results via a hyperlink and optional QR code
to send to visitors.
Improvements to the map are ongoing and will include a calendar
feature and virtual tour element with panoramic video.
— Nick Viau is the marketing and branding content manager for
University Marketing.