The General Education Committee (GEC) is a committee with the unique responsibility of reviewing and making recommendations on all matters related to the General Education Program at Grand Valley State University. The GEC is also charged with calling meetings of the faculty to discuss the aims, philosophy, and problems of the General Education Program. The committee works closely with the General Education Director.

GEC Members 2022-2023

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Hsaio-Ping Chen [VMA] (2025)
Phyllis Curtiss [STA] (2023)
Gabriele Gottlieb [HST] (2024)
Firas Hindeleh [MTH] (2025)
Dennis Malaret [SOC] (2023)
Robert Rozema [ENG] (2023)
Amy Stolley [WRT] (2024) (Chair)
Patrick Thorpe [BIO]  (2025)
David Vessey [PHI]  (2025)

Seidman College of Business
Dori Danko [ACC] (2025)

College of Education and Community Innovation
Emily Nichols [SW] (2025)

Padnos College of Engineering & Computing
Rajvardhan Patil [CIS] (2024)

College of Health Professions
Chad Sutliffe [AHS] (2025)

Kirkhof College of Nursing
Heather Chappell (2024)

Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies
Laurence José [DS] (2025)

University Libraries
Maya Hobscheid (2025)

Student Senate
James Johnson IV

Provost or designee
Erica Hamilton, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs

General Education Director
C. "Griff" Griffin [BIO]

Composition: Faculty membership of the GEC consists of nine members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, one from each of the remaining colleges, and one from the library. The student representative is selected by the Student Senate. The Provost or designee and General Education Director are ex officio, non-voting.

Term: Three years, staggered for those colleges with two or more representatives, beginning at the end of the winter semester.

Page last modified October 17, 2022