An Interview with Megan Rydecki '07, '09
Megan Rydecki '07 '09 became the director of the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies in January, 2023. She reflects on the center and its impact on her life, the community, and Grand Valley students.
What made you excited to take on the role of director of the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies?
I believe GVSU is a transformational institution, and the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies is one of the many reasons why! Through the work of the Hauenstein Center, students have the opportunity to recognize their leadership potential and learn how to grow it; and community members have the opportunity to take in new information and challenge the way they think about and view the world. Everyone has the potential to lead in their own way, and I love helping people identify and pursue whatever that is.
Can you tell us about the Hauenstein Center and how it benefits Grand Valley students?
Inspired by Ralph Hauenstein’s life of leadership and service, the Hauenstein Center is dedicated to raising a community of ethical, effective leaders for the 21st century. We do this by providing training, programming, and resources for GVSU students to help them define and progress in their self-discovery and leadership journeys. We also give students access to community members who attend our public programming, thereby encouraging intergenerational exchange and a wide variety of perspectives to consider.
What role does the Cook Leadership Academy play in the Hauenstein Center’s mission?
The Cook Leadership Academy is central to carrying out our mission. It is a leadership development program for more than 65 undergraduate and graduate students during the academic year. The program is co-curricular and cross-disciplinary, offering our student fellow candidates unique opportunities for reflection, engagement, and learning with and from a diverse cohort of their peers. Students learn varying leadership competencies, hear from local and national leaders about their experiences, and work one-on-one with community mentors to further wrestle with the concept of leadership and what it means for them.
You were a Cook Leadership Academy Fellow while an undergraduate and graduate student at Grand Valley. What is the most valuable lesson or skill you gained by participating in the program?
The most valuable aspect of the program for me was having opportunities to be in the room and hear from some of our community and the nation’s most accomplished leaders. Though they were years ahead of me in terms of knowledge, wisdom, and experience, I gained a great deal of self-confidence while sitting in their presence and conversing with them. They were both inspiring and accomplished, and their stories challenged me to believe that I too could be a leader, and that service should be a significant component of my career journey.
What’s your favorite memory as a Cook Leadership Academy Fellow?
Good question! I’m not sure that I have a single favorite memory. Rather, I loved all of our lunches when we were able to hear from community leaders about their journeys, experiences, challenges, and triumphs. As a young professional, it was so encouraging to hear about where they started and how they got to where they were.
What impresses you most about current Cook Leadership Academy Fellow Candidates that you’ve been able to meet?
I am impressed by everything about our current Fellow Candidates, but most of all, how well-rounded and down-to-earth they are. The majority of them have multiple majors/minors, while also participating in sports, clubs, and associations…not to mention holding down jobs. They’re quick to speak up during group sessions and they’re genuinely interested in learning from one another’s stories and experiences. And they carry within themselves a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and life circumstances that inform their outlook and how they approach the world.
What do you hope is one of the main benefits or lessons that current Cook Leadership Academy Fellow Candidates take away from the program?
I hope each of our Fellow Candidates learns that they have what it takes to be a leader, and that there is much to be gained by using their leadership in service to the world. No matter what field of work or study they pursue, they are capable of greatness, and their leadership in their respective areas truly has the potential to change the world.
How does the Cook Leadership Academy Fellows of the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies Endowment support CLA Fellow Candidates?
The endowment makes it possible for Fellow Candidates to participate in our unique programming at no cost. This removes a significant barrier and allows us to include all the students who are best suited to grow, learn, and thrive from our leadership programming.
Why is it important for CLA Fellow Candidates to have community support or involvement?
Without community support or involvement, our CLA Fellow Candidates wouldn’t have the opportunity to engage in our programming and grow in their leadership journeys. In addition, they wouldn’t have access to the leaders among us who have paved the way and inspired so many of us to lives of service and impact. Support for the Hauenstein Center is critically important to ensuring that we do, in fact, raise a community of ethical, effective leaders for the 21st century.
What would you like to say to donors that support the CLA and the Hauenstein Center?
To the donors that support the CLA and the Hauenstein Center, THANK YOU for playing a significant role in developing a community of ethical, effective leaders for the 21st century. Thank you for giving of your time, talent, and treasure to make sure the next generation has the knowledge and support that’s needed to make our world a better place. We truly could not do what we do without you, and we hope you will continue to support us in this exciting and meaningful work!