President's Desk

Philomena V. Mantella

Philomena V. Mantella | President  

It was exciting to gather at last month’s Enrichment Dinner and celebrate our success in elevating education. GVSU continues to be recognized for our ability to produce graduates equipped with real-world experience and critical thinking skills who are ready to lead Michigan into the future.

As we look ahead, we acknowledge how we’ve arrived at this moment. GVSU was shaped by you and the entire community – a community that fully understands the impact education makes on every aspect of life – and, as we move forward, your support is vital as we seek to meet the increasing needs of our region.  

The speed of change and the modern knowledge economy mean there are increased expectations from higher education in today’s world. We embrace our responsibility and know we must act with urgency to affect today as well as tomorrow, and the entire Laker community must come together to amplify our efforts and elevate our impact.  

In GVSU’s 64 years, we have shown the power to do great things, and we now have the opportunity to do even more. Do we have the will? Let us all commit to act boldly and act now. I’m asking you and all who support GVSU to stay with us, bring others, tell our story, and add your commitment to the collective impact our founders imagined. Let’s elevate education together. 

Page last modified July 10, 2024