Alexander Lowe

Alexander Lowe, Class of 2024
What is your major and when do you expect to graduate?
My master's degree is in Applied Statistics and my expected graduation is May 2024.
How did you find out about the opportunity to study at GVSU?
One of my peers was a part of the first cohort and told me about their experience. I was looking for optimal ways to complete a master’s degree. I thought to myself if they can do it, I can too.
What was your first reaction to the idea of coming here and why did you, ultimately, decide to come?
My first reaction was, "as long as I don’t freeze in the winter, I should be okay." Ultimately, I have the drive to bring change to k-12 education at a widespread level and this degree supports my vision.
What has your experience been like at Grand Valley so far? What is the highlight?
It has been awesome. The stats department is full of professors that make intentional efforts to meet students where they are and offer support. In addition, I love my graduate assistantship work with TRIO STEM. I enjoy making an impact in the lives of GV students. My highlight is the network I have built here. I have had the pleasure to connect with multi-faceted individuals who have empowered and supported me through this experience.
What do you hope to do after graduation?
Post-graduation, I hope to further develop myself in a company passionate about education reform through data analysis and analytics. I will use the experience to create the foundation for my professional career. Then, I will pursue a doctorate in either educational leadership or public policy with research on student psychometrics. Further on, I would love to be a national leader on the structure and logistics of k-12 education systems.
Is there anything else you think donors should know about how this experience has helped you move toward your goals?
I was hesitant to pursue a master's because of the need for finances. I have a desire to bring about widespread growth in the world and the drive to make it happen, but not necessarily the funds to make it a reality. This program helps make that possible for me. Thank you for supporting my dreams.