Laker Ambassador FAQs
As a Laker Ambassador, responsibilities include:
- Sharing GVSU social media posts around giving initiatives
- Including #LakerAmbassador in your posts
- Engaging with other GVSU posts around giving initiatives
- Following the official GVSU social media channels
- Sharing great stories about the positive influence GVSU has had on you personally and professionally
- Referring GVSU community members that might be interested in being a Laker Ambassador
- Adhering to all GVSU policies and procedures around posting digital content (check out the Laker Ambassador policies for more information)
- Ambassadors must be 18+
- Ambassadors must be passionate about GVSU and excited to share university-related content
- It is expected that all social media content aligns with GVSU social media policies
- Ambassadors must be an active member on at least one social media channel
- Ambassadors are encouraged to have public social media accounts, or to share screenshots of posts made on private accounts with University Development for tracking purposes
- Ambassadors have an opportunity to attend trainings led by the GVSU Annual Giving team and program celebrations throughout the year
- Ambassadors will be notified immediately if it comes to GVSU’s attention that any given post is offensive or in opposition to our guidelines for content and given a chance to correct the post. If not corrected, the individual will no longer be part of the Ambassador program
- Anyone who is interested should submit their interest in becoming a Laker Ambassador by completing this form
- Laker Ambassadors will be selected and notified by the GVSU Annual Giving Team on a rolling basis