Scholarship Donors' Words of Encouragement

As you finish this extraordinary semester, your scholarship donors wanted to share their support. 

We hope these notes from your scholarship donors cheer you on as you study for finals and work on projects and papers. You got this!


Dear student,  Stay focused so that you finish your year doing your best. Use your talents to learn and share with others. GVSU is there to help your future be better.
I was once in your place and I remember how much every $20 made a huge difference! Don’t give up on your dreams – it will all be worth it.  Congratulations on the scholarship!!
Dear GV Student It is a pleasure to say hi and encourage you on your path to success. My family feels passionate about helping financially, as that help made a difference for me. May your chosen field make the world a better place, and don’t forget those that come after you. Go Lakers!
We are all connected! It’s a privilege to give back to a place that gave me so much. Congratulations on all your achievements and on your scholarship! No matter what – we’ve got each others’ backs!
Best wishes for continued success at GVSU and beyond. We’re thrilled to see what you’ve done and where you’ll go.
We are so excited to see you thrive at GVSU! You are setting yourself up for an impressive future.
Congratulations on your scholarship. We wish you continued success! Lakers for a Lifetime
There are GVSU Lakers all over the world supporting you.
Continue to strive for excellence even in the face of adversity.
Regardless of the challenges you may face, always remember that determination is your superpower.
“Success is about willing yourself over any and every hardship to achieve the best for yourself. It then turns out to be an investment for yourself and your family.” (unknown)
“It is always a joy to read the next generation that understands the principles of sportsmanship, perseverance, participation, and giving. (unknown)
“Education is not a safety net. It is the rocket that will thrust you towards success. All you have to do is aim and do everything it takes to lift off.” (unknown)
I may not know you, but we share a common path! I’m so proud of your achievements. You got this! Congratulations on your scholarship!!
Dear Laker Student,  No doubt you have worked hard this semester, adjusting to new ways of learning. Your flexibility and determination will serve you well in the years to come. Finish strong!
Best wishes to you at GVSU and beyond.
Make lofty goals and aim to check each one off!
Stay focused!
Follow your dreams and your heart!
Dear Scholarship Recipient,  I am so proud of you! Hang in there – it is well worth the struggle. Try to study abroad or get local diversity experience! Love, A Blessed Donor
Life every day can be a challenge. These challenges can be met with a variety of life learning opportunities that can over time enhance your every day quality of life. Enjoy these times, they go by very quickly.
Dear GVSU Student, We congratulate you as the recipient of a scholarship! Your future is important to us!
Finish strong and represent Grand Valley with pride once you enter into your career!
As you finish the semester, I hope you have accomplished your goals. Take a moment to thank someone who helped you achieve your success. Best of luck.
Greetings from one Laker to another. As scholarship donors, we hope the scholarship you have received will help you enjoy your educational journey. We wish you much success at GVSU.
Dear GVSU Student, Thank you for choosing GVSU for your college career! Continue to work hard, but remember to have fun as well. Your efforts now will lead to ongoing success in the future.
A scholarship is an opportunity to pay forward your own gifts to be the “hand up” for others.
Wishing you a wonderful rest of your semester! We are proud of you!
Congrats! You are almost done with this long road! Get yourself a senior photograph! I did it a long time ago – I was 40 when I graduated from Grand Valley and that photo brings back many good memories. Enjoy your summer.
Stand Tall
Stay Positive
Be strong because it’s going to be worth the fight.
Strive for progress, not perfection. Perfection steals your creativity and agitates a variety of frustration. Know that your progress, no matter how small, will always get you one step closer to achieving your goal. You are amazing! Keep shining! Go Lakers!
In case you haven’t heard it in a while, you are doing amazing things! Keep sharing your love, light, gifts, and talents with the world. You are a Laker for a Lifetime!
You are brilliant. You are courageous. You are an accomplished Laker for a Lifetime. Proceed as if success is inevitable!
As this unusual academic year comes to a close, I want to offer you a cheer – you made it through successfully! Best wishes for you this next year. Be well and be safe!

Page last modified May 20, 2021