Spencer Escareno-Kniat

Spencer Escareno-Kniat

I’m excited to share my Laker story with you this year! It is another busy fall filled with new classes and creative projects, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

For Aliah, Alaysha, and I, our college experiences have all been unique. We’re all at different places in our academic journeys, but one thing that binds us together is the significant impact being a Laker is having on our lives. Grand Valley has giving me so much in my time here, and I know that’s possible because of support from alumni and friends.

As I send updates throughout the year, I’m so grateful to have alumni, like you, supporting me throughout my GVSU journey.

Go Lakers,


Miss an email from me? Check back here to see all messages that I’ve sent throughout the year!

December 14, 2023

The best advice I've been given is to chase my dreams with everything I have.

Turning dreams into reality takes work and dedication, and it’s not always the easiest choice. I started at Grand Valley following a much different career path, but I quickly realized I wasn’t happy with the work I was doing. I’ve always been drawn to music, and I eventually decided to just go for the dream. I would not have had the courage to pursue my passion without the support of the Grand Valley community.

Now, as a music education major with a minor in theatre, I can dedicate myself to doing what I love. For me, music is about the people. I can receive individual attention from my professors thanks to the smaller class sizes. Everyone in the music department takes time to form relationships and develop every individual student. 


Me with Jake VanNeuren, playing Roger

Rent 2

Me with Reette Thorns, playing Joanne

In addition to working hard in my classes, I've participated in two theatre productions this semester! I was able to be a part of a production of Sweeney Todd at the Ionia Community Theatre and we just closed the curtains on GVSU’s production of Rent. I spent every spare moment preparing to take on the role of Mark Cohen, one of the leads. I'm so grateful to everyone who was able to come out and enjoy the show! That’s what musical theatre is all about: making music with all types of people and sharing it with the world.

It means so much that you and the entire Laker community are cheering me on when I take the stage.

I have a lot going on in my senior year, and I’m excited to bring you along for the ride!

January 25, 2024

Welcome to 2024! The new year brings the start of the winter semester, new opportunities for growth, and, of course, lots and lots of snow. When I returned to a snow-covered campus, I was determined to hit the ground running and leave no opportunity unexplored. I'm very excited to share what's on the horizon at Grand Valley. 

For me, this semester is jam-packed with opportunities to take to the stage before I start student teaching in the fall. I will be extremely busy preparing for my senior recital, a concert where I will sing in multiple different languages and styles. I'm proud to have the chance to show how much I've grown as a vocalist. While the thought of giving a concert by myself can be daunting, I am excited and determined to perform at my best. I'm also looking forward to starring in New Voices: A Broadway Revue and performing in my first opera!

February 29, 2024

This is my last semester before I start student teaching, and I can't wait to be in front of a classroom! 

It's amazing what we get to do as teachers, and I am excited to help my future students grow like my professors at Grand Valley have helped me.


All the faculty here are extraordinary and care about their students. I'm grateful for being able to get so much one-on-one time with my professors, especially Dr. Kathryn Stieler. She's helped me grow as a vocalist and performer in many ways I didn't even know were possible and I'm really thankful. 

Getting to work with people like Dr. Dtieler reminds me what a privilege it is to be a student at Grand Valley. As we get closer to GVSU's first-ever Day of Giving on March 21, you can make sure other students have access to a life-changing Grand Valley education by giving to the fund on campus that means the most to you.

Thank you for being part of the community that has helped me get to where I am today. I know I will continue to grow as I finish up my final classes before student teaching. I'm not sure where I'll be placed yet, but I'm excited to find out and to bring you along!

Thank you!

Page last modified March 25, 2024