Third Story Circle


On the evening of November 13th, 2023, SAGE and Grand Connection organized the third Story Circle event. Picture this: a comfy room filled with excited faces, all ready to spill some stories. The vibe was buzzing with everyone looking forward to making genuine connections.

The event started with us talking about ourselves and our hobbies. Then the story circle baton was passed on and we heard stories about coworkers turning into inspirations, friends turning into family, high school friends, intergenerational friendship, and re-collection of memories. The stories were about showing how connections, big or small, make life richer.

But it wasn't just about listening. The audience got in on the action, bravely stepping up to share their stories. It became a mix of voices, turning the night into a celebration of different connections.

By the end, the room was filled with warm vibes. The Story Circle wasn't just a gathering; it was a space where stories became the glue that brought people closer. SAGE and Grand Connection didn't just throw an event; they created a night where stories became the bridge to real connections. And with the 3rd story circle event, we proved that sometimes, all you need is a good story to bring people together.

Page last modified November 16, 2023