Graduate Faculty Policies and Applications

Graduate Faculty Meetings

All faculty engaged in graduate education at GVSU are invited and encouraged to attend the regular meetings of the Graduate Faculty. Meetings include information from The Graduate School and the Graduate Council, as well as an open forum for faculty.

Policy on Tenure and Tenure Track Faculty Engaged in Graduate Education:

This policy was adopted by UAS on October 29, 2010. Any revisions will need to comply with faculty governance review processes.

Tenure and Tenure Track Faculty Policy 

Approved Tenure and Tenure Track Listing (as of August 5, 2024)

Tenure and Tenure Track Faculty Electronic Application


Policy on Non-Tenure Track Faculty Engaged in Graduate Education:

This policy was adopted by UAS on March 27, 2009. Any revisions will need to comply with faculty governance review processes.

Non-tenure Track Faculty Policy

Approved Non-tenure Track Listing (as of August 5, 2024)

Non-Tenure Track Faculty Application Forms:

Online Graduate Faculty Application (for those with a GVSU log in)
Use the MS Word format (for those without a GVSU log in)

Page last modified November 22, 2024