Upcoming Events

Thesis and Dissertation

Thesis and Dissertation

Date and Time

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM


BEFORE beginning the Thesis or Dissertation process, students must meet with an advisor or Graduate Program Director to review the department specific guidelines and proposal information.

Students are required to remain continuously enrolled in either 695/696 or 795/796 once a thesis/dissertation is started, until the end of the semester of graduation.

The Graduate School will be offering a limited number of Project, Thesis, and Dissertation Workshops during the Winter 2024 semester. 

Each workshop contains the same content. This workshop is required for all graduate students beginning their work on a thesis or dissertation in the Winter 2024 semester or enrolled for the first time in a 695 or 795 course. This workshop is a graduation requirement for those completing a thesis or dissertation.

Students completing a project (693) are not required to attend but are welcome as the content will still be beneficial. 

Registration Form: http://www.gvsu.edu/gs/cms-form-edit.htm?formId=77B01967-AFC4-6E4B-436FD418E3C389A3

This event also appears on the main events calendar tagged as academic, doctorate, graduateschool, and masters.


For more information, please visit: /gs/module-events-calendar.htm?siteModuleId=C90B81F6-0814-4753-7D51654A829174BC


Trista Bergerud, MA 

Assistant Director, Programming & Communication

Thesis & Dissertation Coordinator

The Graduate School



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Page last modified November 10, 2023