Women and Politics series continues

The Women and Politics discussion series continues with events focused on health care reform and Midwest legislation.

The series is sponsored by the Women's Center, Political Science, School of Public and Nonprofit Administration and the Sustainable Development Initiative.

Steve Borders, assistant professor of public and nonprofit administration, will speak on Wednesday, October 14. His talk, "Health Care Reform: Implications for Women," will be at 1 p.m. in Kirkhof Center, room 2259.

On October 19, two Michigan legislators, Sen. Patty Birkholz (R-Saugatuck Township) and Rep. Rebekah Warren (D-Ann Arbor), will discuss how they reached across party lines to get the Great Lakes Water Compact passed. "Women Leaders Achieve Bipartisan Succes" is set for 3 p.m. in the Kirkhof Center, room 2204. A reception will follow, giving participants an opportunity to meet the legislators.

Call the Women's Center at (616) 331-2748 for more information on either event.


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